No! Spylink doesn't install any malicious software, neither on your computer nor on the computer of your victim.
The informations of the victim are recovered only through its web browser. It's totally secure.
Creating a Premium account is free. It allows you to buy Premium Spy links and list all Premium Spy links that you have created.
Premium Spy links are valid for 30 days (against 24 hours for conventional spy links).
They can retrieve any information that is not available with conventional spy links (such as IP address, geographic location, etc..).
In addition, you can modify the Premium Spy links, and know the number of people who clicked on your Premium Spy links.
See our comparison chart.
No, there is no time limit. You can buy Premium spy links, and keep them in your account for several years!
When you create a Spy link, click Step 4: "Select the information you want to know about your victim".
Then tick the boxes for the information you want to know about your victim, and click the "Submit" button.
To tick all the information, you need to connect to your Premium account, and have at least one Premium Spy link in your account.
To locate a person, you must login to your Premium account, and have at least one Premium Spy link in your account.
When you create a Spy link, click Step 4: "Select the information you want to know about your victim".
Then tick the "Geographical informations" boxes, and click "Submit" button.
It may be that the e-mail containing information about your victim, is considered unsolicited mail.
Make sure it did not arrive in the "Junk" or "Spam" folder of your webmail. If it did, please tell your webmail that it is not junk mail.
Premium Spy links are deducted each time you create a Spy link, after successfully completing each information and clicked on "Create my Spy link" button.
To use the anonymous mailer, you must log into your Premium account.
In addition, the message you send via this tool must contain at least one Premium Spy link you created with the same Premium account.
No, it is not mandatory. You can buy your Premium Spy links with a Paypal account, or pay with your credit card, Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, and many others.
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Votre navigateur est trop ancien et ne répond pas aux normes du web. De plus, il présente un danger potentiel en terme de sécurité. Afin de profiter pleinement de notre site, vous devez mettre à jour votre version d'Internet Explorer ou, encore mieux, installer un des navigateurs suivants :